He encontrado este artículo en y me ha encantado. Antes de que lo leáis os comento que parece ser que en Abril se celebra en países de habla inglesa un "día de los inocentes" (April’s fools) y este artículo se ha hecho en plan broma. Bellow, this article are in enghish too.
¿Puede el yoga enfermarte?
¡Oh, no! ¡He descubierto tras extensos auto-estudios corroborados por mi perro y dos lectores del blog que el yoga puede enfermarte! ¡Lleva cuidado con estas enfermedades relacionadas con el yoga!
Felicidad persistente "Alegritis"
Esta enfermedad es muy peligrosa. Nadie como alguien que es continuamente feliz, en lugar de preferir estar con los que han tomado como obligación las quejas mutuas. Los síntomas incluyen sonreír, risa espontánea, un corazón abierto y amor para todos. Si te encuentras que padeces "alegritis" y quieres estar melancólico, corta tu práctica de yoga.
Canto repetitivo "Mantraitis".
Me gustaría poder contar el número de amigos que he perdido debido a esta alarmante enfermedad. Cantar mantras no sólo suena extraño, también puede causar una profunda sanación para traumas de largo tiempo, ¡y quién quiere librarse de traumas residuales! ¡Hemos trabajado muy duro por estos traumas! Definitivamente, quédate con tu trauma, prevén la sanación, y evita este relajante buen efecto del canto rechazando cantar o incluso escuchar cualquier mantra inspirador.
Flexibilidad Inusual "Elasticitis"
La flexibilidad debería estar prohibida. Realmente la rigidez hace la vida mejor, si no puedes tocarte los dedos de los pies o girar tu columna, encontrarás que te sientes mucho más "normal" en tu cuerpo. El yoga es increíblemente eficiente para incrementar la flexibilidad física, lo que también puede llevar a una peligrosa flexibilidad mental. Tú no querrías que la gente pensara que puedes amar a todos, ¿no? ¡Mucho cuidado!
Juventud Prolongada "Sinarruguitis"
La "Sinarruguitis es muy preocupante. Hay quienes proclaman que el yoga puede prevenir el envejecimiento y prolongar la juventud. Esto es simplemente impío. Deberíamos marchitarnos como ciruelas a la menor posibilidad. Definitivamente interrumpe tu yoga si te encuentras con efectos secundarios como piel luminosa, órganos internos saludables, aumento de la capacidad pulmonar y aspecto juvenil.
Si experimenta cualquiera de estos síntomas, consulte hoy con su profesor de yoga y dígale...¡inocente! Cuidado con la risa espontánea...¡Es tremenda!
Me sentiré feliz si al menos te he hecho sonreír . Un abrazo.
Sat Nam.
Now in english, especially to my friend Ros.
Can Yoga Make You Sick?
Oh no! I’ve discovered through extensive self-study corroborated by my dog and two blog readers that yoga can make you sick! Beware these yoga-related diseases!
Persistent Happiness "Joyitis"
This disease is very dangerous. No one like someone who is persistently happy, preferring instead to be around those who form bonds through mutual complaining. Symptoms include smiling, spontaneous laughter, a whole heart, and loving everyone. If you find yourself suffering from Joyitis and want to be gloomy, cut your yoga practice.
Repeated Chanting "Mantraitis"
I wish I could count the number of friend’s I’ve lost to this scary disease. Singing mantras not only sounds weird, but can also cause deep healing of long-time trauma, and who wants to loose residual trauma! We worked hard for that trauma! Definitely hold onto your trauma, prevent healing, and avoid that loosey-goosey feel good effect of chanting by refusing to sing or even listen to any inspiring mantras.
Unusual Flexibility "Gumbyitis"
Flexibility should be outlawed. Rigidity really does make life better, and if you can’t touch your toes or twist your spine you’ll find you feel much more "normal" in your body. Yoga is incredibly efficient at increasing flexibility physically which can lead to dangerous mental flexibility too. You wouldn’t want people to think you can love everyone, now would you? Watch out!
Sustained Youth "Nowrinkleitis"
Nowrinkleitis is very worrisome. There are some who claim that yoga can prevent aging and prolong youth. That’s just unholy. We should all shrivel like prunes at the earliest possibility. Definitely discontinue your yoga if you are finding side effects such as glowing skin, healthy internal organs, increased lung capacity and a youthful appearance.
If you experience any of these conditions, consult your yoga teacher today and tell them...."April Fool’s!" Watch out for spontaneous’s a doozy!
Oh no! I’ve discovered through extensive self-study corroborated by my dog and two blog readers that yoga can make you sick! Beware these yoga-related diseases!
Persistent Happiness "Joyitis"
This disease is very dangerous. No one like someone who is persistently happy, preferring instead to be around those who form bonds through mutual complaining. Symptoms include smiling, spontaneous laughter, a whole heart, and loving everyone. If you find yourself suffering from Joyitis and want to be gloomy, cut your yoga practice.
Repeated Chanting "Mantraitis"
I wish I could count the number of friend’s I’ve lost to this scary disease. Singing mantras not only sounds weird, but can also cause deep healing of long-time trauma, and who wants to loose residual trauma! We worked hard for that trauma! Definitely hold onto your trauma, prevent healing, and avoid that loosey-goosey feel good effect of chanting by refusing to sing or even listen to any inspiring mantras.
Unusual Flexibility "Gumbyitis"
Flexibility should be outlawed. Rigidity really does make life better, and if you can’t touch your toes or twist your spine you’ll find you feel much more "normal" in your body. Yoga is incredibly efficient at increasing flexibility physically which can lead to dangerous mental flexibility too. You wouldn’t want people to think you can love everyone, now would you? Watch out!
Sustained Youth "Nowrinkleitis"
Nowrinkleitis is very worrisome. There are some who claim that yoga can prevent aging and prolong youth. That’s just unholy. We should all shrivel like prunes at the earliest possibility. Definitely discontinue your yoga if you are finding side effects such as glowing skin, healthy internal organs, increased lung capacity and a youthful appearance.
If you experience any of these conditions, consult your yoga teacher today and tell them...."April Fool’s!" Watch out for spontaneous’s a doozy!
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